The "Je T’aime" artworks took shape in the winter of 2018. Roaming through a warehouse store, gathering materials for a culinary photo shoot commissioned by a Montreal advertising agency, I felt the creative spark in the endless aisles filled with equipment and materials.
Seated on a stack of boxes, I decided not to leave until I received inspiration to create a new working technique. After moments of contemplation, a sharp idea emerged: applying a texture, a blend of various pasta combinations in a graphic path. Using tips of different openings to create diversity while maintaining a course. A path, a map, a story, a timeline.
Materials were purchased, and these ideas were recorded in my notebook for future creations. It wasn't until two years later, confined due to the pandemic, that I finally used these elements.
After a few days of creation, signing the artwork, I impulsively broke the pencil lead. Writing "Je T’Aime" and sticking the lead nearby, this seemingly simple act gave profound meaning to this montage of paths, of life's journey.
The photo of the result shared on Instagram quickly captivated a lady who commented, "This artwork reflects my life, I want it." I notice that "Je T’aime" is particularly cherished by women.
Experimenting with the expression "Stay Gold," the reception was positive among men. "Stay true to yourself, your word is gold, remain faithful to your values, your essence. The true being that you are."
This is how this artistic narrative took shape, blending creativity, introspection, and sharing."


This relaxing short film will immerse you in the intimacy of my daily life, nestled amidst the majestic Laurentian Mountains.